Olympic Truce: CAR in tune with the UN and IOC
In his address on the occasion of the Ceremony in Tribute to the Cream of Central African Athletes, the Head of State, His Excellency Prof Faustin Archange Touadera announced the Olympic Truce in his country: “Taking the cue from President Berraf, I solemnly launch, for the Central African Republic, the Olympic Truce proclaimed jointly by […]
ANOCA President meets with presidents of CAR sports federations
On 12 February, as part of his working visit to the CAR, ANOCA President, Mustapha Berraf, met with presidents of the national sports federations at the NOC Headquarters. According to him, his mission aimed at raising awareness among Central African so that they can pay more attention to the country’s Olympic Movement. He said that […]
ANOCA President attends ceremony in honour of CAR athletes and coaches
The Palais de la Renaissance, Bangui, was the venue, on 11 February 2020, for the National Ceremony in Tribute to the Cream of Central African Athletes. The event, which was holding for the first time since independence, was presided at by the Head of State, His Excellency Prof Faustin Archange Touadéra. The country thus honoured […]
ANOCA decorates the CAR Head of State
On the sidelines of the National Ceremony in Tribute to the Cream of Central African Athletes, the ANOCA President was received in audience at the Palais de la Renaissance in Bangui by the President of the Central African Republic, His Excellency Prof Faustin Archange Touadera. A major highlight of that audience, was the award received […]
Mustapha Berraf decorated by the Head of State of CAR
The President of ANOCA, Mustapha Berraf was on 11 February 2020 decorated with the medal of “Commander of the Order of Central African Recognition”. The ceremony took place at the Palais de la Renaissance in Bangui. He received the medal from the Head of State of the Central African Republic, His Excellency Prof Faustin Archange […]
ANOCA President on working visit to CAR
The President of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA), Mustapha Berraf was on a working visit to the Central African Republic from 10 to 14 February 2020. He was invited by the country’s authorities. ANOCA Newsletter brings you the highlights of that visit of the most senior official of the supreme governing […]
ANOCA officials in Cuba: a rich, fruitful and friendly working visit
An ANOCA delegation headed by President Mustapha Berraf was in Havana, Cuba, from 3 to 6 February 2020. Accompanying the President were Joao Da Costa Alegre Afonso, First Vice President, and Kamal Lahlou, member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the ANOCA Marketing Commission. Welcomed upon touchdown by the President of NOC Cuba, Roberto […]
Burkina Faso honours ANOCA President
Visiting Burkina Faso where he attended the inauguration ceremony of the new CNOSB Olympic and Administrative Centre on 22 February, the President of ANOCA was awarded an honorary distinction, the Burkina Faso Order of Sports Merit, by the Government of that country. The ceremony was chaired by Prime Minister, Head of Government, Christophe Dabire, on […]
Mustapha Berraf, guest of honour at the inauguration ceremony of the CNOSB Olympic and Administrative Centre
At the invitation of the Prime Minister and the President of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Burkina Faso, the President of ANOCA, Mustapha Berraf, who was accompanied by the President of ANOCA Zone 3 and also President of NOC Benin (CNOS BEN) Julien V. MINAVOA, paid a visit to this country on 22 […]
Spirit of solidarity and cooperation
It is recommended by Olympic Solidarity and well understood in Africa. Establishing cooperation and exchange agreements has, in fact, become vital to the development of the Olympic and sports movement. It also affords a real opportunity for positive competition in the development of sport in areas of common interest. From our point of view, […]