Elevated to the dignity of Grand Commander of the National Order of Mali, ANOCA President, Mr Mustapha BERRAF, received his medal from His Excellency Mahamane Amadou MAIGA, Ambassador of Mali to Algeria.

Presented on behalf of the President of the Transition, Grand Master of the National Order, Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, the award is in recognition of all President BERRAF’s services to sport and Olympism in Africa.

The official ceremony took place on Thursday, 2 May 2024, at the Malian Embassy in Algeria, and was attended by a host of dignitaries, including members of NOC Algeria, the Embassy’s diplomatic staff, some Federation Presidents, representatives of the National Sports Movement and the national press.

Speaking on the occasionI, H.E. the Malian ambassador underscored the fraternity, good neighbourliness and historical ties between Algeria and Mali, while highlighting the role played by Mr Berraf in fostering sport and Olympic values on the African continent.

The distinction is awarded to promote the culture of merit in society and in Africa, a fundamental value that attracts the children of Africa and spurs them on, every day, to give their best.

After receiving the medal, President BERRAF took to the rostrum to address his thanks to the President of the Transition, Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, for the distinction:

“If receiving this great accolade is in recognition of merit, being raised to the dignity of Grand Officer of the National Order or elevated to the rank of Commander of the National Order is a consecration, the crowning glory of a career, especially as it is coming from the President of a country for which I have much respect and consideration”.

The decoration ceremony ended with a group photograph of H.E. the Ambassador, the President of ANOCA and the guests present.

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