ANOCA  and CISCA renew partnership, look forward to  building  a brighter future for african sport


Abuja, 5 December 2024: ANOCA announced the renewal of its partnership with the Sports International Convention in Africa (CISA). The 11th edition of the International Sports Convention in Africa is billed for Dakar from 19 to 21 February 2025. Dakar, Senegal, will host the next Youth Olympic Games in 2026, a major first for Africa.

Initiated in Dakar in 2007 during the maiden edition of the Convention, this partnership focuses on the promotion and development of sport in Africa. ANOCA is playing a significant and active role in this strategic meeting.

The 11th edition of the International Sports Convention in Africa will most certainly be a moment of intense communion and solidarity for the entire African Olympic and sports movement. The ‘‘conferences, exhibitions, workshops and seminars’’ and the presence of the leading stakeholders in African sport, such as ‘‘sports journalists and athletes’’, as well as State and non-State institutions, will once again arouse admiration and stimulate reflection on the implementation of actions to build the future of African sport.

ANOCA President, Mustapha BERRAF: ‘‘The renewal of this partnership confirms our commitment to sport development in Africa. Over the years, CISA has become a key event that enables us, together, to brainstorm the challenges we face and to seek innovative solutions for the future of sport on our continent. I’m delighted that the programme for this 11th edition gives pride of place to artificial intelligence and its impact on sport. CISA is an essential  initiative, given that a project like this can only contribute to sport development in Africa. The field of African sport is vast, and there is much to do. We urge each and every one, and call for a major coalition to meet the challenges.We are convinced that African sport needs the support of the State, Olympic governing bodies and public and private partners. We should be focused on just one thing: to serve African  youth. So I’m delighted at the prospect making giant strides thanks to CISA, given the more than relevant issues it tackles. CISA is a necessary initiative, because such a project can only contribute to sport development in Africa.’’

CISA brings added value in terms of discussions and innovations. ANOCA remains committed to its desire to make sport and Olympism development tools for African youth and  the furtherance, on the continent, of a vision that fosters the Olympic values of peace, sharing and solidarity. This is a shared vision in the CISA-ANOCA partnership.

The aim is to conscientise African leaders, sportsmen and sportswomen and all sports lovers about the idea that African sport can develop and reach a higher level than it does today. CISA’s themes are chosen and discussed in the light of current concerns.

Referring to this partnership, Diamil FAYE, the CEO of JAPPO Sports and Entertainment, the initiator of CISA, said: ‘‘Together, we have a responsibility to build a bright future for African sport. CISA perfectly illustrates our shared commitment to sport development, and we are determined to continue fostering this vision.’’

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