ANOCA demands more equity from World Athletics in athlete support

Speaking on behalf of ANOCA, the President of ANOCA and IOC member, the Honourable Mustapha BERRAF, rejects with dismay the proposal by World Athletics to introduce prize money for gold medal-winning athletes at the Paris Olympic Games.

This goes against the principles of solidarity advocated by the Olympic Movement and related substantial programmes, he said.

Solidarity must be the order of the day within countries and sports organisations in order to bridge the gulf between athletes from the most affluent countries and those from the developing world, and not the other way round.

The proposal by World Athletics goes against the fundamental principles of the Olympic Movement and is aimed simply at bolstering the bank accounts of athletes who are not in need, rather than helping the most needy.

Suffice it to note that athletics is an incomparable social asset and has enabled entire populations on the African continent to distinguish themselves and participate in the socio-economic development of their countries and nations.

It is for this very reason that ANOCA believes it would be more useful to make the most of this income to meet the needs of young African talents, who only aspire to have the necessary infrastructural and material resources for their development.

ANOCA will remain at all times available to continue to help and support athletes and in particular talented athletes through Olympic Solidarity programmes developed in harmony with federations and African NOCs.

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