Organisation of the 13th African Games : Olympic Africa’s Stance

The Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) held an extraordinary session of its General Assembly on 17 March 2022 via videoconference.  The agenda mainly featured Olympic Africa’s stance on the organisation of the 13th edition of the African Games, Ghana 2023.

At the end of that meeting chaired by the President of the supreme governing body of the African Olympic Movement, Mustapha Berraf, the 54 NOCs of the Continent took an official position as set out in the following resolutions. 

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA)

17 MARCH 2022

By videoconference

Meeting in extraordinary session in Cairo, on 17 March 2022, the ANOCA General Assembly,

  • Whereas ANOCA considers the AU Social Affairs Commission and the African Sports Confederations represented by AASC as sport development partners in Africa and in particular the successful celebration of the African Games pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Addis Ababa;
  • Whereas ANOCA’s prime concern is harmonious relations with Governments and Confederations for the benefit of Athletes and the African Olympic Movement;
  • Whereas ANOCA’s priority remains its deep commitment to the success of the African Games in GHANA and the joy it will bring to young people in Africa.
  • While remaining committed to providing all the necessary support from ANOCA and its partners to the Organising Committee of the 2023 African Games in Ghana and its National Olympic Committee;

Hereby draws the attention of all stakeholders and operators to the resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly held on 17 March 2022 in Cairo.  

After deliberations, the following resolutions were passed: 

Resolution 1:

  • Considering the commitment of the African Union within the framework of the contract signed with ANOCA conferring on the latter the right to organise, manage and market the African Games;
  • Taking into account the assurances expressed personally by the Commissioner General of the African Union to the President of ANOCA regarding the strict implementation of the said contract;
  • Noting with dismay the signing by the AU administration with the Ghanaian Party of a second contract which runs counter to the first one binding the AU to ANOCA, and which commits Ghana to pay a sum of money to the AU in return for the organisation of the Games, which is tantamount to an unacceptable situation of lawlessness;

The General Assembly deplores the illegal and irreverent behaviour of the AU institutions and administrative officials involved in the conclusion of this second contract with Ghana, refuses to engage in this process contrary to the international rules for the organisation of Multi-disciplinary Games and requests the ANOCA President to continue to defend the interests of the institution and the African Sports and Olympic family. 

Resolution 2:

The General Assembly reiterates its full support to Ghana for the success of the Games and this within the limits of its powers, which have been reduced to those of the third party due to its exclusion from the organisation and management of the Games.  However, ANOCA will allow the Local Organising Committee of the Games to benefit from its entire marketing strategy and partners.

Resolution 3: The General Assembly;

  • Underscores the ambiguous situation often surrounding the organisation of the African Games, as well as attempts to violate ANOCA’s rights thereto;
  • Reiterates its appeal to all stakeholders to strictly respect each other’s rights and obligations and, faced with such violations, decides to assert in the future, if need be, its right to organise its own qualifiers for the Olympic Games. 

Resolution 4:

The General Assembly takes note of IOC President Thomas Bach’s appeal for peace, and reiterates its unwavering support for his tireless efforts to bring about peace in the world.

In conclusion, the General Assembly hails its members for their availability and high sense of responsibility.  It further hails the fraternity and family spirit prevailing within the great African Olympic and Sports family.

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