Second African beach games: ANOCA Executive Committee meets in ordinary session

Tunis, 21 June 2023: Ahead of the kick-off of the Second African Beach Games in Hammamet on 23 June 2023, ANOCA EXCO members convened on 21 June 2023 in Tunis.

With a full quorum, the meeting began with a welcome address by the host NOC President, Mehrez Boussayene.

He presented the stakes of the second African Beach Games, which will bring together 54 ANOCA member states from 23 to 30 June 2023, before expressing his gratitude to ANOCA:

Mr President, members of the ANOCA Executive Committee, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your invaluable support to the Organising Committee, which is thus strengthened and motivated to ensure the best possible delivery of the Games.

ANOCA President, the Honourable Mustapha Berraf, then took the floor to deliver his policy message. He began by thanking the President of the Republic of Tunisia for his warm welcome and the courtesies accorded all the delegations taking part in the deliberations, before addressing the participants:

Your presence at this Executive Committee meeting is necessary and important, as it is a strategic step in advancing and consolidating the unity of the African sports movement, which has gained in wisdom and has been showing a better face in recent years.”

Following President Berraf, Tunisia’s Minister for Youth and Sport, the Honourable Kamel Deguiche, stated in his address that:

Our country is ready to embrace such a major African sporting event…”

Preparatory discussions for the 21st ANOCA General Assembly, which will be held on the sidelines of these Second African Beach Games, included the presentation of Equatorial Guinea’s bid to organise the Third African Beach Games. Equatorial Guinea’s bid is placed under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea himself, and was presented by the country’s Minister of Sport, who exhibited his country’s assets to the EXCO members.

The bid was accepted by the Executive Committee and will be presented at the ANOCA General Assembly.

The Executive Committee’s report and the ANOCA financial report were then presented and adopted.

In a presentation made by Mr William Blick, who is also an IOC member, he took a look at the furtherance of Olympic values within the Association of National Olympic Committees, followed by a report presented by Dr Sam Ramsamy, Chairman of the ANOCA Ethics Commission.

In his closing remarks, the President of ANOCA, the Honourable Mustapha Berraf, thanked the EXCO members for their commitment and professionalism in implementing the actions in tune with ANOCA’s 2020 – 2024 strategic plan.

Deliberations were conducted in a calm atmosphere, and all the decisions taken were in the interest of youth and sport development on the continent.

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