Obituary : ANOCA saddened by the passing of Abdoulaye Seye Moreau

It is with profound sadness that ANOCA recently learned of the death of former FIBA President and Honorary President of FIBA Africa Abdoulaye Seye Moreau. The deceased was the 8th President of FIBA (1998-2002), after serving four years as Vice President. The former player and referee, who officiated at the 1975 FIBA Women’s World Cup […]
Promotion :ANOCA President congratulates William Blick, Aïcha Garad Ali and Beatrice Allen

After William Blick, Aïcha Garad Ali and Beatrice Allen were honoured by the 136th IOC Session, President Mustapha Berraf sent them congratulatory messages on behalf of ANOCA. In a message to William Frederick Blick, President of NOC Uganda, who moved from the status of member representing an NOC to that of individual member the President […]
4th Summer Youth Olympic Games : Postponed to 2026

La 136e Session du Comité International Olympique s’est déroulée par visioconférence le vendredi 17 juillet 2020. Parmi les faits marquants on note l’entrée de nouvelles personnalités, des changements de statuts pour certains membres et le renouvellement des mandats pour d’autres membres. Parmi les trois membres réélus pour un mandat de huit ans figure une […]
International Olympic Committee : Dr Thomas Bach to run for re-election

Dr Thomas Bach has been IOC President since September 2013. On 17 July 2020, during the 136th IOC Session, he announced that he will be running for re-election. The announcement comes as no surprise to Olympic Movement actors, given that the Olympic family has always applauded Dr Thomas Bach’s actions. Now an officially declared candidate, […]
IOC Elections : Africa’s Unconditional Support for Thomas Bach

Prominent among the many supporters of the candidature of the current IOC President is ANOCA President and thus all of Africa. Mustapha Berraf hailed Dr Thomas Bach’s vision and actions, which will have to continue if he is re-elected. The ANOCA President especially lauded the President for his management of the coronavirus pandemic. In a […]
Confidence and serenity

I dare hope, dear brothers and sisters, that this message will reach your hearts and further help you to overcome, humility and warmth of heart, the dreadful ordeal that we are still going through. This message is not intended to whip up any emotions in you; I just wish to confirm what makes us Olympians […]