Governance at ANOCA : ANOCA President reviews measures taken up to the end of 2020

Honorable members of the executive committee,
Honorable members of the IOC,
Ladies and gentlemen the honorable members of the general assembly
Dear colleagues and friends,

I have a great honor to extend to all of you, my sincere wishes for good health and hope this message find you all safe, your families and  loved ones.

I hope all this exceptional conditions will be over soon for a rapid return to normal life for our Associations, allow me to give you a comprehensive account of our activities since the advent of this terrible pandemic which has greatly affected our sport, our athletes and our activities extending until the postponement of our largest events and consequently that of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

The numerous initiatives taken by the ANOCA Executive committee nevertheless enabled the implementation of multiple activities and critical decisions for the african olympic movement. that are currently forcing the respect of the entire Olympic family towards our continent and increased trust on the voice of Africa on all issues and expected else appropriate solutions. 

Our fully transparent management is in line and compliance with the guidelines of good governance contained in the agenda 20/20 of the IOC and the decisions taken in these difficult times will certainly pave the way for a better future for our African Olympic movement. To this end, it is necessary to recall the structural readjustments at this difficult time made for the functioning of our institution by opting for videoconferencing which allows us today not only effective management but also substantial savings. The last meeting of the executive committee and the ANOCA Gender Equality & Women Commission Meeting, The Coordination meeting with NOCs, WADA and Federations via Webinar are all tangible proof. 

It is further worth remembering the exorbitant payroll cut which is today reduced by almost 700,000 USD per year.

Thanks to these new management parameters, we have been able to generate significant sums for the preparation of athletes and substantial support for our NOCs who are cruelly suffering from a lack of resources.

Further to this strict observance of  our operating parameters, we were able to benefit our continental association from a substantial additional subsidy from ANOC and the IOC , May I be given the opportunity to thank all the colleagues and friends for their solidarity with a special mention to the President of the IOC and the Acting President of ANOC.

it seems to me particularly important to inform you that we had the obligation to settle all the litigations of the previous mandates in particular the affair “La Casafrica”, of Rio, the affair of Azzoug Mohamed which claims wages of more than 300,000 Euros until 2020 without being in  the job thanks to a contract not recognized by the secretary general of the time. As the case is currently at the court, i have the obligation to reserve  not to go into details and not to dwell on.  The immeasurable efforts that have been lavished to restore confidence and serenity, the exorbitant salary grid for the functions of ANOCA organizational chart had to be revised and communication re-established between all the players in the Olympic movement. i We have re-established a bridge of information with our NOCs, our various partners, our honorable members and our athletes with regular periodic and episodic newsletters. our contacts with our colleagues from the NOCs are almost permanent and allow us to glimpse solutions to all the problems that arise with the necessary speed and collegiality. In this context we have asked them to find out the situation of the athletes and their staff who are abroad and to provide them with the necessary assistance, as we were constantly listening to our children at OLYMPAFRICA Centres who required some interventions. A contact has been established with relevant sources so as to soon launch for the acquisition of sports equipment as part of a win / win partnership, large multinationals have been contacted.

A new agreement was signed with the olympic committee and the authorities of Cuba in addition to that of the USA, which should allow our technicians to carry out programs as soon as the confinement ends. we are also looking to formalize an agreement with CNOS Francais for Paris 2024. We also had the pleasure of fitting out and furnishing our headquarters in Abuja, which is now able to receive our activities and events thanks to a special subsidy from the IOC President.

At the same time, I like to inform you that a calendar of our future activities is being finalized and should lead us to carry out the following events and programs after agreement of our executive committee:

  • Debate meeting with the ANOCA Athletes’ Commission, the African members of the IOC, the presidents of commissions and the Olympic Solidarity Directorate. (June 2020).
  • Seminar on sports medicine with as main theme “Coronavirus and protection of athletes” under the leadership of Dr ….., president of the medical commission. (end of June 2020).
  • Sports diplomacy and international relations. seminar for NOC executives with a view to their integration into the diploma course of the International Academy of Diplomacy in Budapest. (end of July 2020).
  • Installation of the commission of the next African Games ACNOA / AU / UCSA. (October 2020).
  • Installation of the African Youth Games commission (October 2020)
  • Implementation of the new organization chart with definition of tasks and advent of the new ANOCA salary grid. (November 2020).
  • Seminar of the Secretaries General (November 2020).

Obviously, at the end of confinement, you can move or contact our officials in Abuja to learn about our action plan adopted at the COMÉX meeting in Kampala and access all of the ANOCA financial and accounting documents which will be fully made available to you in Abuja worthmentioning that during this time they are audited by Price Watherhouse starting this week  .

dear colleagues and friends, let me remind you that this ANOCA restructuring plan and the structural readjustments that have been initiated are additional supports for our NOCs and our athletes but they have made many people unhappy, especially those whom benefited from significant income thanks to ANOCA. I will not fail to remind these dear colleagues to whom I give all respect that the statutory provisions are clear and cannot accommodate non-regulatory proposals. however, all proposed modifications could be sent to the Relevant commission designated for this purpose by the ANOCA General Assembly.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honorable Members,
Dear Friends,

Now is the time for unity and mobilization in the interest of the African Olympic movement. ANOCA’s skills and revenues will be used to the best of our affiliated national associations. The Secretary General and the Treasurer General are at your disposal for all the information you want. I can also confirm that we are working tirelessly for the success of our continental association and that relations with the Olympic Solidarity Directorate are at a very high level of collaboration.

I will come back to the review of our activities in more detail very soon in order to better educate you on the merits of our actions. I sincerely wish you good health and express to you all my thoughts.

I too remain at your disposal for any further information and kindly accept my sincere and respectful greetings.

Berraf Mustapha,
ANOCA President,
Member of the IOC.

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