Olympic Africa supports athletes without discrimination


  • The honourable members of the African and International Olympic Movement,
  • All colleagues of the NOCs, Confederations and International Federations,
  • All Friends of AFRICA and the international community,

After having engaged in very broad consultations with all stakeholders of the African Olympic and Sports Movement, Athletes’ representatives, Zone Presidents, EXCOM Members and other Dignitaries, the ANOCA Executive Committee has unanimously decided to support the participation of Athletes with a Russian or Belorussian passport in all sports events under the banner of neutrality.

Africa supports the resolutions of the IOC Executive Board, as issued in the release of 25 January 2023, which aim to protect athletes from all pressures and to respect their rights to be treated without any form of discrimination in accordance with the Olympic Charter.

Our Movement fully supports the resolutions of the IOC Executive Board based on the fact that major international events should be organised in peace, while safeguarding the independence and autonomy of sport as well as the mission of the IOC.

ANOCA welcomes the decisions of the IOC Executive Board, and confirms its total rejection of the war in Ukraine.

ANOCA further confirms the availability of its athletes and all its sports facilities.

Mustapha Berraf

IOC Member

President of ANOCA

Vice President of ANOC

Holder of the ANOCA Order of Merit

Holder of the ANOC Order of Merit

Holder of the IOC Order of Merit

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