Faced with the ravages of the Coronavirus, NOC Sao Tome and Principe has decided to carry out several actions in the relentless fight against this pandemic, with which the entire planet has been grappling for several months now. This includes producing and broadcasting an audio-visual documentary aimed at raising public awareness in general and that of athletes in particular against this devastating virus. Led by the NOC President João Manuel Da Costa Alegre Alfonso, who is also the First Vice President of ANOCA, this action aims at changing behaviours, especially by observing containment measures. It also aims at boosting the morale of athletes. The video appeals to people’s collective conscience and advocates a healthy lifestyle.
The documentary shows clearly, if need be, that NOC Sao Tome and Principe helps build self-confidence, promotes youth development and good health.
This action was welcomed both by the local population and African Olympic and Sports Movement officials.