Message from the president January 2021

My dear Colleagues, Brothers and Sisters;

I am extremely grateful to you for having honoured me by granting me your support and experience to help me in this very sensitive and passionate task we have achieved together and which, as all of us hope, will give a new impetus to the African sports movement and its values.

In addition to these highly important missions, I count on all of you to redouble your efforts, strengthen our unity and mostly to have faith in our young athletes who have untold potential and whom we must encourage absolutely.

We have just entrusted to our brother, President Kalkaba Malboum, the chairmanship of a Development Commission, and the mission to launch consultations and a selection for the two Olympic training centers which we included in our budget and plan of action for the next four years; one for Anglophone athletes and the other for French and Portuguese speaking athletes; this will hopefully help us to curb the massive drain of African athletes overseas.

The Strategy Commission whose deliberations we will scrutinize in the first half of next year will also have its recommendations followed by expected results and implemented immediately. Commissions as well as the implementation of participative and forward-looking projects which have been designed and which I believe, already feature in your agendas, will be under the full responsibility of their chairmen and members, and will have the full confidence of my humble self, of the executive Committee and that of our African counterparts.

It is within this atmosphere of brotherhood and solidarity that we will keep on going during this year 2021, with all our individual valuable contributions and skills. Participative management, good governance transparency and permanent collaboration are the drivers that will help the African Olympic movement to express itself and which the World will reckon with.

I would like to thank Dr. Thomas Bach, IOC President, for his constant solicitude and support to our actions and projects.

Once more, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your invaluable contribution for the building of an exemplary ANOCA that is extremely useful to the Olympic Movement.

I wish you a Happy and prosperous year 2021, with Good health and Security in abundance.

Yours, brotherly.

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